Monday 3 December 2012

ReAd Me!

Future technology 

OK, maybe my phone is like an appendage and it has only became more important since I owned a smart phone, but in my phone's defence, it is progress almost in all areas.
  • I am less stressed and less forgetful because I use my phone reminder app to make a 'things to do' list. I can even get my phone to BEEP at me if it is extra important! Who would want to miss their mother's birthday? (yes, I am that useless at remembering birthdays, I have managed to forget mine a few times already!)
  • I am never lonely anymore! I can use all my free time to catch up on my social duties. I have even mastered crossing the road while texting. I know what you are thinking, it is dangerous, possibly more dangerous because the drivers are doing the same thing!
  • For the love of me I can not remember how to get to Kate's house but thanks to the maps app on my phone, the crises has been diverted!
  • Yes my wrist aches a bit and I should probably pay more attention to my surroundings but I love my phone...
  • Most importantly, I'm more in touch with my friends and family than ever before in my life.  Admittedly if I lived next door to my mum and school friends I wouldn't need a phone, but we live in different suburbs, different countries now.  Its the ONLY way I keep in touch.

I disagree with the following points on the TED talk by Sherry Turkle. Here is a following imaginary conversation I would have with Sherry if I was talking to her!

....the conversations are not real? If I am experiencing being in touch, talking to someone, care or love with my phone being a tool why is it that it is not real? I think this is a totally silly argument!

....people even text at funuerals? So what if we text at funerals? What is wrong about removing ourselves from the grief?

...all those little sips of messages do not add up to be a conversation. Yes it does. It is just a new way of conversing and those who do not adapt will be left behind!
....I would rather text than talk! Yes, as long as it is a more convenient choice!

....Sociable robots for elderly? It is a silly idea unless it helps them on daily tasks cause we all know what shape the elderly care is in.

....We all need to listen to each other! We all do already, I just listened to your lecture on my iphone Sheryl;)

You can listen to the talk yourselves and decide but I would not worry too much if I was you;)

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